
January 18, 2016
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At Yaleet Inc., we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to live comfortably and look stylish. Each year, with the help of our retailers and local charities, we connect with local communities and provide approximately 15,000 pairs of Naot shoes to those in need.

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Left: Lucky Shoes in Ohio donating to Cleveland Jewish Federation, Right: Orva Shoes  in New York City donating to WIN

Because local businesses and charities know the needs of their communities best, we allow our authorized Naot retailers to select the local charity of their choice for their Naot shoe donation.

Left: Snyder Shoes in Michigan donating to LOVE Inc., Right: Orva Shoes in New York City donating to WIN

Organizations like Mary’s Shelter and Mary’s Home which provide a suitable place to live for underprivileged pregnant women and new moms, Bucks County Opportunity Council whose mission is to reduce poverty in their area and a variety of other charities have all been overjoyed to have been chosen as recipients of our Naot shoe donations.

Left: Easton Shoes in Ohio donating to The Garden of Greenwood/The Better Way, Right: Orva Shoes in New York City donating to WIN

There are few feelings as good as helping a less fortunate person experience the happiness of putting on a brand new, comfortable shoe. When we hear stories from our retailers about how we’ve touched the lives of so many deserving and grateful men and women, it fills our hearts with joy.

To view more photos of generous program, click here for the gallery.

If you are an authorized Naot retailer interested in hosting a Naot donation event in your community please contact us.

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